Are you a struggling Musician who would like some self care, relaxation and balance? Go by Nuci's Space to get a free pass to the Rubber Soul Collective. This is part of our community outreach program for 2019.
As part of our mission we will pick one organization each year to support in our Community. This year we have picked Nuci's Space a local non-profit who strives to prevent suicide. With a focus on musicians, Nuçi’s Space advocates for and helps to alleviate the suffering for those living with a brain illness and fights to end the stigma of mental illness.

Each month there will be 8 free passes to the Rubber Soul Yoga Collective given away to musicians In need. Each pass will be good for the entire year of 2019! Contact Lesley at to inquire about receiving a pass.
To check out what wonderful offerings Nuci Space has take a look at their website